Thursday, March 04, 2010

Lighthouses, Leprechauns herald spring at Parade of Tables


The News staff writer Darragh Doiron

Jesus said he was the light of the world, and Tonya Brickey feels his guidance in lighthouse images. She fell in love with them on her East Coast honeymoon and made them her Parade of Tables theme.

Flowers, children and guardian angels, a globe and bunnies became themes as hostesses made Tuesday’s Presbyterian Women Gala luncheon at Providence Church festive. The event raised funds for the Children’s Presbyterian Home. The homes, with sites across Texas, help children live in a safe environment with access to education, nutrition and support, Carlita Zummo said.

Zummo is president of the Presbyterian Women and said the event, with a silent auction, should raise about $1,200 to send in support of the children.

Carrie McCullough arranged statuettes of protected children around her table. “It’s all about leaning on the Lord,” she said. She was moved by the children and set about finding a psalm to go with it. She chose Psalm 59:16: “But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love: for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.”

Brickey’s lighthouse table guests came with small votives her mother, Jody Hay, painted with lighthouses and sent from West Virginia. She laughed as she noted that she’d chosen the theme for another parade, but the votives were lost in the mail. Her mother’s work was finally guided to her door.

Zummo is the widow of Zip Zummo, a celebrated local Italian. She’s actually Irish, and therefore set out two big, stuffed singing leprechauns on her table. Both she and co-hostess Eula Lee Reeves wore green sweaters to accent the Irish theme. “It made me feel so good to see so many smiling faces here for a good cause,” Zummo said.

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