Thursday, March 29, 2007

Do You Love You More Than Him?

A few years ago, I watched a movie starring Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves called “The Devil’s Advocate.” In the movie, Al Pacino plays Satan in a unique tale of corporate law, greed, and the battle between good and evil. At the end of the movie, Satan (Pacino), having failed to lure the young lawyer (Reeves) into his trap, tries to start over with a new plan. Playing on the young lawyer’s ego, Satan’s new plan goes into motion. Satan turns and looks directly into the camera and says, “Vanity! It’s my favorite sin.”
That line often comes to my mind when I think about how our society runs toward those things that play to our vanity. Youth and beauty play a huge role in our country. Yet, how are Christians supposed to feel about all of this? It is my belief that we live in our times. While we may certainly enjoy staying youthful in appearance or physically fit, these things are not what life is about. Too often vanity becomes our obsession. The Bible speaks about what is really important in Psalm 33:16-20. It says, “No king is saved by the size of his army, no warrior escapes through his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and shield.” Our faith and obedience must rest in the One Triune God.
Easter happens in the spring. Spring is a season of new beginnings… new shoes, new dresses, new suits, and all around is new life. These are signs of which to enjoy, but not to trust them. For the flowers will fade and the grass will wither, but God is forever. So where do you put your allegiance? Do you trust yourself for your salvation? (Many people do!) Do you trust that your mom or dad, wife or husband, or even your children to save you? How about your bank account…will it get you into heaven?
Jesus went to the cross so that you would have eternal life. His gift was given on the cross at Calvary and revealed by an empty tomb and His appearance to the disciples. Today we worship a living God who invites us to join Him and acknowledge the gift of eternity with Him. Satan would love to distract us and let our “busyness” keep us from discipleship. But, what is more important than living for God? Think about that… you know the answer.
Make your way back to church this Holy week and Easter Sunday, no not the semi-annual trek, go and really ask God to help you set your priorities straight. God wants to be first in your life. The question is, “Do you love God more than yourself?” Only you can answer. Nothing else in this whole world can save you, only God and your desire to choose Him. Remember, God loves you! Until next time, Blessings!

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