Monday, February 15, 2010

Come See

A few weeks ago, I was asked "Didn't you use to preach at another church?" When I realized what was being asked, I understood the confusion. I have been in our area now for nearly five years. When I first arrived, I discovered that the church I was called to serve, the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, was slowly, but surely, dying. The church had topped out in membership back in the 1980's and had begun a slow deterioration. It was not clear at first, but over time, it was becoming very clear. As the years passed, the church membership was getting older and fewer and fewer young families were joining. When I arrived on the scene, many in the church understood the situation, but, unfortunately, many others did not. It was comfortable. The building was paid for and beautiful, but it was in an area that had become a demographic challenge for the church. To top it off, it was found that the financial secretary had been stealing for many years. After many failed attempts to bring in new members, it was clear that the hurdle of location could not be overcome. The church had to move!
I will never forget that winter of 2007. It was the most difficult period of my ministry. Christians fought against Christians. Harsh words and attitudes were tossed about with ease. Why? Because some people were more concerned about keeping "buildings and stained glass" more than concerned with reaching people for Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "Go make disciples..." He never said, "stay where you are and they will come to you!" Thus, in January of 2008, the church sold its property an moved into temporary space at the St. John Lutheran Church. At that time, the church changed its name to Providence Presbyterian Church.
Fast forward a bit to 2009 and we find our efforts to build a building thwarted by the rising cost of building materials and labor. We were unable to build and remained at our temporary home. In the spring of 2009, St. John Lutheran Church approached us about uniting together to form one church, Providence Church. While that is still in the works, we are finally beginning a building project. Phase One is slated to be a church for "people who don't go to church." We are building a worship center that doesn't necessarily feel like a worship center. It consists of an area for worship that has a modern feel and an area that welcomes kids. It is different! And like the Apostle Philip telling Nathaniel in John 1, we just want to say, "Come See!"
That's what Providence is about, providing a place for everyone to "meet Jesus." If you have given up on "church" but like Jesus. Come see. If you "used to go to church" but stopped, come see. If you think you don't have the "right clothes" or "nobody invited you", I want to say, "come as you are" and "you're invited." Just Come See.

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