Thursday, February 25, 2010

To Pray and To Move

Lent is a time of reflection. It is the spring of the year and a time to re-focus on what is important in life. God created this time as one to stop, think, be quiet, and listen to God’s voice. God doesn’t forcefully take over someone’s life unless they are willing to submit to being taken over. It is God’s way. We are called to regularly reflect upon what God is telling us.
What is God telling you? I hope it is that He loves you.
Indeed as we go forward, we are walking the path to the cross. It is a path filled with difficulty. Jesus said, “Follow Me.” He also said that He came “not to bring peace, but the sword.” Life is full of hard roads and I have often wondered why Christians think their roads should be smooth and easy. The Way of the Cross is one in which so many want to follow, but if you look at the Disciples, none of them were able to go the distance with Jesus. Peter even denied Him in the end. It is that way with us. We cannot follow. We can only want to follow and acknowledge that it is impossible. We can never be “like Christ”, only shadow figures of Him. He is the one who successfully walks the narrow path and goes to the cross. He is the one who takes humankinds wickedness upon Himself and says, “it is finished.” Only Jesus can break the bondage of sin and death in such a way to proclaim life to all who believe in Him and call Him Lord.
Believe me, there is no “luke-warm” in the eyes of Jesus… only commitment. There are no members of the church, just disciples. Jesus gives life in abundance. Isn’t that what we are seeking in Him? I think we want abundant life and a peace for the future that surpasses all understanding that is our need. I think so. Why not grab it? Why not recommit your life to Christ. Pray about it. Make a decision to join in more and get more from life. There are small group studies, Bible studies, even regular worship attendance.
So, pray… reflect… but get moving because God calls us to follow Him,,, and “follow” means to get moving.

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