Friday, July 13, 2007

A Masterpiece Made By God

It was built in 1889 for a world wide celebration and exposition. It was expected to be taken apart and moved to another location. Over three hundred workers assembled over 18,000 pieces of iron during its construction. Most people who lived in the city where it was built thought it to be an eyesore. In fact, a local novelist hated it so much that he went to it everyday to eat lunch because he claimed it was “the one place I can eat and look out upon the city and not see it.” What horrific and ugly structure am I talking about? The Eiffel Tower of course! What is now seen as one of the world’s most amazing architectural wonders was once considered out of place and a waste of time, energy, and especially money. Today when you think of Paris, France you almost always envision the Eiffel Tower as part of the scene that rushes through your minds eye.
To many people in “the world”, a life of service to Jesus Christ looks like an eyesore. The very idea of being a servant to other people or being accountable to anyone, including God may sound foolish and antiquated. There are new books out now (ex. Chris Hitchens book God Is Not Great, etc…) about how Christianity has ruined the world and people’s lives. But is there any substantial truth to this? Or is this another attempt to maim, injure, or destroy the Church and people’s faith? I have no doubt that the Church is made up of imperfect people who fail in many aspects of life. I can count myself as one those as well! Have individual churches gotten “off track” in its ministry and actions. One church may mirror a “Country Club” while another may become so controlling as to try to dictate every aspect of a member’s life. Other churches may fall somewhere in between. But still the Church is the body of Jesus Christ. It is continually working to do God’s will on Earth.
Come to think of it, Jesus was rejected as well. He was told He was foolish by those who were in political, social, and religious power. People who scorned Him wanted to know when He might leave town, stop ministering, and speak well of those in charge. He didn’t stop, leave, or keep silent. Jesus built His church out of a bunch of misfits who in our time would never have been great and successful leaders. Nevertheless, Jesus built the Church.Matthew 16:18 tells us that Jesus will build the Church upon the rock that is Peter the Apostle. In other words, Peter and people like him will take Christ’s message out to the world. Peter was far from perfect, but Christ chose him. And Christ chooses you too. You, the imperfect person you are. You have been chosen be God’s beloved child. Like the Eiffel Tower, you may not look glorious to some, but to God, you are a masterpiece. When Christ lives in your heart, you are beautiful…a work of art. Today let God love you and give yourself totally over to God with an obedient spirit. You will be thankful that you did and amazed at how beautiful your life will become.

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