Friday, July 13, 2007

We Should All Carry A Sign That Says, “God at Work”

Can something be brought back from the dead? Sometimes! In 1978 the Department of the Interior of the United States (ironic that it is called interior when it is responsible for the outdoors), called upon the state of California to do what seemed to be the impossible. Restore the land and trees of Redwood Forest National Park to its original state. Over the years, roads have been removed, stream and estuary areas have been repaired, ski trials erased, and trees and brush have been replanted. It has been a long and sometimes difficult task for human beings. It has also served as a “classroom” from which to learn how other areas may be restored. When will this job be completed? It will take decades to see real progress and centuries for the redwood trees to re-grow.
Philippians 1:6 says “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.” Patience is a virtue. Things don’t usually happen over night. It is frustrating to think that when we are Christians that all of our bad habits don’t simply vanish into thin air. We are still being perfected in Christ Jesus.
How long does it take God to grow that Redwood into the world’s largest tree? And, you did know that while people certainly helped plant and place trees, God makes it happen. Our vanity has to be checked as we live life. While we are to be transformed in Christ, it is not immediate. Shockingly, we still find ourselves, from time to time, reverting to actions displeasing to God. We are sinners and that will not change, at least on this earth. As Christians we must realize that the work that God has going on in us is also going on in others around us. The next time you find yourself offended, angry, or hurt by another, don’t simply be disillusioned and walk away mad. Realize that God is still at work in that person too. In a way, each of us is like the Redwood tree. Within our own faith walk, we sometimes find ourselves as a seedling. Other times we demonstrate the faith a nearly grown tree. That’s just the way it is. So remember to forgive one another as God has forgiven you and keep reaching toward the heavens as you grow in faith. God loves you and is at work in your life.

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